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“If you

want your children

to have a Jewish 


give them a Jewish 



Bayt Yeladim’s two hour class session encompasses Hebrew and Judaic Studies. Our academic curriculum is enriched by innovative, creative  lessons, fun learning games, interactive programs, enriching projects, and memorable special events. The JLC Hebrew School is filled with warmth and ruach, spirit!  We have a talented Jewish song leader,  who enthusiastically teaches the students popular Jewish and Hebrew music, through songs, prayers, instruments, dance and fun group activities. Participating in music, allows the students to practice the prayers they are learning, as well as learn popular Jewish and Hebrew songs that successfully brings the Jewish Learning Center closer as a  kehillah, community.



JLC students follow a subject-based curriculum, enhanced by celebrating and commemorating holidays throughout the year. Bayt Yeladim will be a learning and cultural center where children and families can share a proud Jewish history together. The children share traditional Jewish holidays together, enjoying delicious traditional foods and fun, exciting celebrations, as well as important, and solemn yearly commemorations.



Learning to read, chant (sing), and understand the meaning of how Hebrew prayers relate to people today, are the main components of the Jewish Learning Center's curriculum. We have an established Prayer Curriculum that begins with learning the Hebrew Aleph - Bet (Alphabet) followed by prayers taught cumulatively as the students' progress. Our main objective is to prepare a student to participate and feel comfortable in any Jewish worship service. The Hebrew curriculum is primarily Siddur (prayer book) based, but we enthusiastically teach many Hebrew words that are used in JLC conversations. 



Judaic Studies is an important component of Bayt Yeladim’s curriculum and becomes more detailed as the students mature. In addition to learning and celebrating the Jewish holidays. Judaic Studies include Bible stories, Israel (past and present), Jewish ritual objects, Jewish Lifecycle events, God, Mitzvot, (Commandments & Values), Holocaust, Jewish History, Ethics and more. We  teach many of the Jewish rituals and customs, like Shabbat and Havdalah, by actively involving the students in the Judaic Studies lesson. A "ritual" is a common practice among Jews. A "custom" is a ritual, with religious or historical tradition. Judaism has many beautiful rituals and customs. Bayt Yeladim takes these rituals and customs, modernizes them, and teaches them to   the students in fun, creative, celebratory lessons and programs. Our students happily embrace these traditional customs, helping to ensure they are passed down L’dor V’dor (generation to generation.)



Mitzvah has been often defined as a “good deed”. The word actually means commandment. We are commanded as Jewish people to follow certain laws and teachings given to us from God. Mitzvot can also be thought of as "guiding “tools”, to help guide us in the comnplicated  world we live in today. The Jewish Learning Center students participate in giving tzedakah "justice', by donating money, food, clothes or other material items to people in need. The children also participate in the mitzvah of gemilut chasadim, giving of one’s time and energy by helping others who need assistance. The Chalutzim and Confirmation students (6th-10th grades) volunteer in the community throughout the year.



All students learn why Israel is so important to Jewish people all over the world. Each age group will explore the fascinating history of the formation of a Jewish country/state in 1948 to modern day Israel. The topic will be discussed throughout the year, not just on related holidays. Our "hope" is that every JLC student will visit Israel some day, and experience the Jewish “homeland', and see why Israel's national anthem is called Hatikvah, "the hope".

Bayt Yeladim Jewish Learning Center

107 East Mt. Pleasant Avenue - Suites 2 & 3

Livingston, New Jersey 07039

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